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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here and is not something futuristic. AI will not take away your job, but someone who knows how to use AI will take it!
As a public safety trainer, educator, supervisor, instructional designer, or expert witness, learn how to integrate cutting-edge technology into your education and training programs! Join us virtually on September 11, 2024, for an enlightening 90-minute IPICD facilitator-led, non-technical webinar on how to use AI as an efficient, effective, and time-saving tool for developing, updating, and improving your educational and training programs. Here are some key topics discussed in this timely webinar:
Stay ahead of the AI technology curve! Equip yourself with the knowledge to leverage AI in your field while discovering innovative ways to improve training effectiveness and efficiency. DATE: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 TIME: 9:00-10:30 a.m. Pacific Time (Noon on the East Coast) TUITION: $95, IPICD members; $150, non-members. Includes instruction and certificate. PRESENTER: John G. Peters, Jr., Ph.D., former police administrator, officer, and currently senior instructional designer for the IPICD and other organizations, is a graduate of numerous artificial intelligence educational and training programs. His explanations are non-technical and focused on how to apply artificial intelligence to produce efficient and contemporary education and training public safety programs. Dr. Peters holds a California Teaching Credential and a post-doctoral Master of Arts degree in Education (career and technical) from California State University, San Bernardino. This is a companion webinar to “Grounding a Subject: Legal, Tactical, and Medical
Considerations.” The webinars are complementary. It is highly recommended you take both. You have decided to “ground” someone. Now what? Do you want to perform cursory or full searches, apply metallic, plastic, or spit restraint devices, monitor breathing, identify injuries, control the subject, or do something else? Do you know and understand the liability and medical concerns about what you want to do and how they might be career ending? Whether you are new to the field or a seasoned professional, this webinar offers up-to-date information and strategies essential for balancing public safety while protecting yourself from potential liabilities. Hosted by experts in law enforcement and safety operations, this webinar dives deep into critical topics in which every public safety officer should be well-versed. From understanding the legal implications and medical consequences of grounding individuals to exploring Constitutional amendments that apply in such scenarios, this webinar equips you with invaluable insights. This facilitator-led, IPICD- produced “Grounded” webinar will explain:
Facilitators Michael Brave, M.S., J.D. (attorney, consultant, trainer, former sworn Officer/Chief) has been retained as an expert in 250+ cases, been involved in reviewing 650+ law enforcement temporal deaths, has done 1,700+ expert retentions in law enforcement litigations, and has presented on force options and other subjects 1000+ times in the U.S., and abroad. He serves as ILEETA’s [International Law Enforcement Educators’ and Trainers’ Association] Legal Advisor and a Board Member. John G. Peters, Jr., CLS, Ph.D. is a highly experienced instructional designer, and is a former police administrator, deputy sheriff, and patrol officer. He serves as president of the internationally recognized training firm, Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. (IPICD), and serves as Executive Director of the Americans for Effective Law Enforcement, Inc. (AELE). A judicially qualified expert witness, he has testified in international, federal, and state courts. Darrell L. Ross, Ph.D. served as Chair of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice at Valdosta (GA) State University and was the Director for the Center for Applied Social Sciences until his retirement this year. A highly experienced expert witness, Dr. Ross has testified in federal and state courts. He is an experienced correctional officer and is a renown social science researcher and author of several books focusing on criminal justice topics. Including Civil Liability. He regularly provides presentations on force and arrest/custodial deaths. Date, Time, Length:
Tuition: (Live and/or On-Demand)
Tuition includes webinar, instruction, handouts, articles, and certificate. Registration deadline is August 28, 2024. Don’t Delay. Register today! An on-Demand version will be available within 30 days following the webinar broadcast on the IPICD Online Training Center website (www.ipicdtc.com). Virtually Instructor-Led Training |