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Arrest-Related, In-Custody Deaths, Agitated Chaotic Events Instructor Program (version 6.5) The post-George Floyd culture has changed the law enforcement landscape. Peace officers are being criminally prosecuted and convicted in higher numbers, and that trend shows no signs of slowing. California enacted a statute in January 2022 that can hold peace officers accountable for individuals who die from asphyxiation if officers cause a subject's respiratory airway to be compressed or if they impair a person's breathing or respiratory capacity, which includes application of pressure or body weight to a person's neck, torso, or back. This includes methods of restraining the individual. Colorado, too, has passed legislation classifying "excited delirium" as not being a "medical emergency," thus prohibiting the use of the sedative Ketamine on active, combative, agitated, individuals. TOPICS The IPICD Instructor program is based upon scientific, medical, experiential, and legal research and is the most current multidisciplinary program available on the subject. Topics include, but are not limited to:
TUITION $495 per person. Materials include a program workbook, handouts, articles, table-top exercises, handouts, special supplemental pages on the IPICD Website to stay current with new research and analyses, online assessment, certificate, and more. Required Materials (Virtual) Computer with sound, computer monitor, internet access, keyboard, mouse (touch screen), comfortable chair or seat, printer, video with audio recording device (e.g., Smartphone), and writing instrument for taking notes. Consecutive Days and Times The 16-hour virtual instructor-led program meets four hours (9am - 1:pm Pacific Time; Noon-4p.m. New York) on four consecutive days. Attendance is required each day. Instructor Certificate Upon successful completion of the instruction and an online assessment, you will receive an instructor certificate. This IPICD 16-hour instructional program will qualify you as an instructor to teach a User-Level program to your colleagues and others to save lives, save careers, minimize governmental entity liability, and officer liability. Help save careers and lives.