Through the use of table-top exercises, lecture, and video instruction and analysis, attendees will learn why Amendment-based force standards are replacing continuums, matrices, etc., and why continuums (or their equivalent) and/or their force levels need to be removed from agency use of force policies. Negligence elements, categories, and standards (including manufacturer product warning) will be identified, taught, and applied to agency policy, training, and state tort claims. Attendees will learn how to critically apply Amendment-based and negligence force standards and issues to criminal and internal investigations, and also learn how to force continuums have been judicially proven to increase governmental entity and officer liability. Teaching use-of-force best practices to minimize liability and risk management issues will be highlighted through the program.
Manufacturer product warnings and their impact on government entity, supervisor, trainer, and office liability
Agency use-of-force policy and Amendment-based standards
Teaching Amendment-based standards
Duty to stop excessive force (bystander liability)
Applying Amendment based standards when analyzing a use-of-force incident (criminal and/or civil investigations), and
Much more.
TUITION $395 per person. Tuition includes instruction, instructor workbook (200 pages); certificate; much more. Participants are responsible for their transportation, lodging, and food costs.