Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Instructor Version 1.0
Thank you for being interested in this important and timely instructor qualification program: Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Instructor (RMAB). The program is designed to educate, to train, and to qualify you as a RMAB instructor, so you can share the information with colleagues, law enforcement officers (LEO), 9-1-1 Call-Takers, Dispatchers, and with other interested parties about how to recognize and manage abnormal breathing.
“I can’t breathe” became a rallying cry for people questioning law enforcement tactics and training following the tragic and high-profile deaths of George Floyd, Eric Garner, and others. These and similar abnormal breathing-associated deaths have become a basis for some state legislatures to enact laws focusing on holding LEOs criminally accountable for such temporal deaths. The Institute for the Prevention of In-custody Deaths, Inc. (IPICD) staff believe it has a social responsibility to LEOs and other interested parties to provide scientific- and evidence-based information about how to recognize and then manage individuals experiencing abnormal breathing to help save lives, to help save careers, and to reduce tensions between law enforcement and the communities they serve.
While no LEO, trainer, medical professional, including any training organization, can guarantee a successful outcome for individuals claiming to have or who are experiencing abnormal breathing, training and education about how to recognize abnormal breathing, understand what possible intervention strategies are available to them, and how to help manage these events are a vital part of LEO, 9-1-1, and Dispatcher training. In this program, you will learn how to recognize most abnormal breathing cues and situations. You will gain the knowledge to develop an action plan to assist the individual experiencing abnormal breathing until qualified medical professionals take over treatment of the patient.
Program Topics
Program Length
Approximately four (4) hours of instructional time (240 minutes).
About this IPICD Instructor-Led Program
This IPICD program consists of approximately 240 minutes (4 hours) of presentations, a User-Level Lesson Guide, two downloadable and printable “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion: LEO” (2 pages), “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion: Dispatcher” (2 pages), Police and Security News reprints, and an assessment (40 questions). This program’s instructor-led presentations use text, slides, narration, animation, and includes references to the “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion” (both LEO and Dispatcher), and the Police and Security News reprints.
Program Presenters
Michael D. Curtis, M.D. is a licensed, practicing physician who has experience treating people who presented with abnormal breathing, delirium, and many other medical issues. Dr. Curtis has extensive experience as a Director of Emergency Medical Services and has directed emergency medical providers. He not only “talks the talk,” but also has “walked the walk.”
John G. Peters, Jr., CLS, Ph.D. serves as President and Chief Learning Officer of the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. (IPICD). A former police administrator, police officer, and deputy sheriff, Dr. Peters has over 270 publications, and has been judicially qualified as an expert in international, federal, and state courts. He holds a California CLEAR teaching credential.
A. David Berman, CLS, M.S. serves as Vice President of the Institute for the Prevention of In-custody Deaths, Inc. A current Commonwealth of Pennsylvania sworn Constable, David is a former officer of a medium-sized law enforcement agency where he was a member of its Emergency Operations team.
Program Prerequisite
None, other than the required items shown below.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Program presentations and materials comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please request it by emailing [email protected]
Instructor Certificate
Upon successful completion of the instructor-led Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Instructor program and its assessment.
$195.00 per person. This instructor-led instructor qualification program includes a 90-page User-level Lesson Guide, sample User-Level assessment questions, a User-Level “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion: LEO,” and “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion: Dispatcher” User-Level learner handouts, Police and Security News reprints, and instruction.
“I can’t breathe” became a rallying cry for people questioning law enforcement tactics and training following the tragic and high-profile deaths of George Floyd, Eric Garner, and others. These and similar abnormal breathing-associated deaths have become a basis for some state legislatures to enact laws focusing on holding LEOs criminally accountable for such temporal deaths. The Institute for the Prevention of In-custody Deaths, Inc. (IPICD) staff believe it has a social responsibility to LEOs and other interested parties to provide scientific- and evidence-based information about how to recognize and then manage individuals experiencing abnormal breathing to help save lives, to help save careers, and to reduce tensions between law enforcement and the communities they serve.
While no LEO, trainer, medical professional, including any training organization, can guarantee a successful outcome for individuals claiming to have or who are experiencing abnormal breathing, training and education about how to recognize abnormal breathing, understand what possible intervention strategies are available to them, and how to help manage these events are a vital part of LEO, 9-1-1, and Dispatcher training. In this program, you will learn how to recognize most abnormal breathing cues and situations. You will gain the knowledge to develop an action plan to assist the individual experiencing abnormal breathing until qualified medical professionals take over treatment of the patient.
Program Topics
- Welcome and Introduction
- Program Goals and Performance Objectives
- Assessment Rubric and Resource-Based Learning
- RMAB Instructor and User-Level Programs
- Use of Force Statistics and Arrest-Related Deaths
- Death in Custody Reporting Act and Breathing Associated Deaths
- Competency-based Training and Resource-Based Learning
- Microlearning: Lesson Development and Use
- The Breathing Equation
- Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest: The Basics
- Normal and Abnormal Breathing
- Agonal Respirations (breathing)
- 9-1-1 Call-Taker and Dispatcher RMAB User-Level Training
- Identification of Abnormal Breathing Cues
- Evidence-based Practices (including Office Safety considerations)
Program Length
Approximately four (4) hours of instructional time (240 minutes).
About this IPICD Instructor-Led Program
This IPICD program consists of approximately 240 minutes (4 hours) of presentations, a User-Level Lesson Guide, two downloadable and printable “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion: LEO” (2 pages), “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion: Dispatcher” (2 pages), Police and Security News reprints, and an assessment (40 questions). This program’s instructor-led presentations use text, slides, narration, animation, and includes references to the “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion” (both LEO and Dispatcher), and the Police and Security News reprints.
Program Presenters
Michael D. Curtis, M.D. is a licensed, practicing physician who has experience treating people who presented with abnormal breathing, delirium, and many other medical issues. Dr. Curtis has extensive experience as a Director of Emergency Medical Services and has directed emergency medical providers. He not only “talks the talk,” but also has “walked the walk.”
John G. Peters, Jr., CLS, Ph.D. serves as President and Chief Learning Officer of the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. (IPICD). A former police administrator, police officer, and deputy sheriff, Dr. Peters has over 270 publications, and has been judicially qualified as an expert in international, federal, and state courts. He holds a California CLEAR teaching credential.
A. David Berman, CLS, M.S. serves as Vice President of the Institute for the Prevention of In-custody Deaths, Inc. A current Commonwealth of Pennsylvania sworn Constable, David is a former officer of a medium-sized law enforcement agency where he was a member of its Emergency Operations team.
Program Prerequisite
None, other than the required items shown below.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Program presentations and materials comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please request it by emailing [email protected]
Instructor Certificate
Upon successful completion of the instructor-led Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Instructor program and its assessment.
$195.00 per person. This instructor-led instructor qualification program includes a 90-page User-level Lesson Guide, sample User-Level assessment questions, a User-Level “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion: LEO,” and “Recognizing and Managing Abnormal Breathing Learner Companion: Dispatcher” User-Level learner handouts, Police and Security News reprints, and instruction.